Jun 30, 2008

Shogi News; Gingasen, NAMEKATA won over INOUE .

Shogi News; Ginga sen

A game of Ginga sen between INOUE and NAMEKATA broadcasted 26 June 2008 .

Sente; INOUE Keita (8 dan)
Gote; NAMEKATA Hisashi (8 dan)

(diagram 1)

1. P-7f P-3d
2. P-2f Gp3b
3. G-7h P-9d
4. P-2e Bx8h+
5. Sx8h S-2b
6. K-6h S-3c
7. S-3h S-6b
( diagram 1)

NAMEKATA selected "Ittezon Kakukawari" without early P-8d . Ittezon Kakukawari has various variations .

(diagram 2)

8. P-3f G-5b
9. S-7g P-6d
10. S-3g P-4d
11. S-4f G-4c(5b)
12. P-3e P-4e
(diagram 2)

INOUE made "Hayakuri-gin"formation to attack. NAMEKATA made Yagura Gakoi and replied with "Tsukichigai no fu " tesuji (12...P-4e) .

After 118 moves until S'8f , NAMEKATA won over INOUE .

Shogi News; Daiwa-Shoken-cup , SUZUKI won with Shikenbisha .

Shogi News; Daiwa-Shoken-cup;

A game of Daiwa-Shoken cup between SUZUKI and MORISHITA started on the net , 22 June 2008 .

Sente; SUZUKI Daisuke ( 8 dan)
Gote; MORISHITA Taku (9 dan)

(diagram 1)

1. P-7f P-3d
2. P-1f P-1d
3. R-6h S-6b
4. P-6f P-5d
5. K-4h K-4b
6. S-3h K-3b
7. K-3i G-5b(6a)
(diagram 1)

SUZUKI is famous "Furibisha " player , so he
select "Shiken Bisha " (R-6h) . MORISHITA select "Ibisha " , but he didn't move Rook's Pawn (8 file Pawn) .

(diagram 2)

8. G-5h(6i) P-7d
9. S-7h S-5c
10. S-6g R-7b
11. K-2h S-6d
12. R-7h P-2d
13. P-8f N-7c
14. R-6h K-2c
15. S-5f S-3b
( diagram 2)

SUZUKI made "Mino-gakoi" and MORISHITA made "Hidari-Mino".

After 117 moves until +Rx5d , SUZUKI won this game .

Jun 29, 2008

Shogi News; Gingasen , TAKAHASHI won over HATAKEYAMA (Mamoru) .

Shogi News; Gingasen

A game of Gingasen between HATAKEYAMA Mamoru ( 7 dan) and TAKAHASHI ( 9 dan) was broadcasted , 21 June 2008.

Sente; HATAKEYAMA Mamoru ( 7 dan )
Gote; TAKAHASHI Michio (9 dan )

(diagram 1)

1. P-7f P-3d
2. P-2f P-8d
3. P-2e P-8e
4. G-7h G-3b
5. P-2d Px2d
6. Rx2d P-8f
7. Px8f Rx8f
8. Rx3d B-3c
9. R-3f S-2b
10. P'8g R-8e
11. R-2f K-4a
(diagram 1)

TAKAHASHI lead the opening to "Yokofutori" , and HATAKEYAMA accept it by capturing the Pawn at 3d square (8. R-3d) . And the opening developed , "Hachi-go-hi senpou", (CHUZA Bisha) .

Hachi-go-hi senpou is Gote's effective opening . "Hachi-go" means 8 and 5 , this coupling of numbers means 8e square . "hi" means Rook; Japanese name is Hisha . Then the name "Hachi-go-hi senpou" means the opening that Gote's Rook positioning at 8e square . This formation has very attaching power .

This opening is also called "CHUZA Bisha " . CHUZA is the name of man who make this opening ; CHUZA Makoto . And the name of CHUZA has another meaning , CHU means center and ZA means sitting . In this opening , Gote's Rooke seems sitting on the center rank of Shogi boad , so this opening is sometimes called "CHUZA Bisha".

(diagram 2)

12. S-4h S-6b
13. P-3f G-5a
14. N-3g P-7d
15. Bx3c+ Nx3c
16. P-3e B'4c
17. R-3f N-4e
(diagram 2)

HATAKEYAMA selected Shin YAMASAKI ryu . This formation , Sente attacking 3rd file by pushing Pawn with few diffending moves , because Gote's camp has weak point in 3rd file .
YAMASAKI is the man who make this formation ; YAMASAKI Takayuki .

After 96 moves until K-3d TAKAHASHI won this game .

You can see this game record on

Jun 28, 2008

Shogi News; TANIGAWA won over AKUTSU !

Shogi News; JT Shogi Nihon Series .

A shogi game of JT Shogi Nihon Series between AKUTSU and TANIGAWA started 21 June 2008 at Kumamoto .

Sente; AKUTSU Chikara ( 6 dan)
Gote; TANIGAWA koji (9 dan)

(diagram 1)

1. P-2f P-3d
2. P-7f P-5d
3. P-2e R-5b
4. Bx2b+ Sx2b
5. G-5h(4i) ! K-6b
6. K-6h K-7b
7. S-4h S-3c
8. P-4f K-8b
9. S-4g S-7b
10. K-7h R-2b
(diagram 1)

AKUTSU moved 1.P-2f , this move usually means "I want to select "Aigakari " or "Kakukawari" , if you simply move 1...P-8d " . Recently the additional meaning exist ; " I dislike 1...R-3b " .
TANIGAWA selected "Gokigen Nakabisha" .
AKUTSU seems to select "MARUYAMA's vactin "(4. Bx2b+) , but he didn't select it . He moved 5. G-5h(4i) .

(diagram 2)

11. B'5c B'4d
12. Bx4d+ Sx4d
13. K-8h N-3c
14. G-7h R-2a
15. B'5f P-3e
16. L-9h G-4b
17. K-9i P-5e
18. B-3d B'5d
(diagram 2)

AKUTSU started makeing "Anaguma Gakoi" , and dropped his Bishop at 5f square . TANIGAWA developed his pieces and he also dropped the Bishop . Then both player dropped the Bishop , but TANIGAWA's one is more effecive work .

After 112 moves until G'6h , TANIGAWA won this game .

You can see the game record on

Jun 26, 2008

Shogi News; Gingasen , KUBO won over KITAHAMA .

Shogi News; Gingasen .

A game of Gingasen , between KITAHAMA and KUBO broadcasted 19 June 2008 .

Sente; KITAHAMA Kensuke (7 dan)
Gote; KUBO Toshiaki (8 dan)

(diagram 1)

1. P-2f P-3d
2. P-7f R-4b
3. S-4h K-6b
4. P-2e K-7b
5. K-6h B-3c
6. K-7h S-3b
(diagram 1)

KITAHAMA's first move 1. P-2f perahaps means avoiding KUBO's 1...R-3b . If KITAHAMA moved 1. P-7f , KUBO could move 1...R-3b .

KUBO is famous "Gokigen Nakabisha " player , but he didn't select it in this game . (If KUBO select GOKIGEN Nakabisha , his second move will 2...P-5d . KUBO moved 2...R-4b , and opening advanced "FUJII's open Shikenbisha" .(diagram 1)

(diagram 2)

7. P-5f K-8b
8. S-5g L-9b
9. G-5h(4i) K-9i
10. P-6f S-8b
11. B-7g G-7a
12. K-8b P-6d
13. G-6g P-7d
14. L-9h R-6b
(diagram 2)

KUBO made "Anaguma gakoi" , and KITAHAMA also try making "Ibisha Anaguma gakoi" . KUBO had a attacking position by R-6b.

(diagram 3)

15. K-9i P-6e
16. Px6e Rx6e
17. P'6f R-6a
18. S-8h P-4d
19. P-5e S-4c
20. S-5f G-5b
(diagram 3)

Both player made Anaguma , but only KUBO had a Pawn in his hand .

After 86 moves until N'7g , KUBO won this game .

Jun 25, 2008

Shogi News; KUBO won over FUJII , Daiwa-Shoken cup.

Shogi News; Daiwa-Shoken cup , "Saikyou sen".

A game of Daiwa-Shoken cup ; Saikyou sen , started 15 June 2008 , on the Net .

Sente; KUBO Toshiaki (8 dan)
Gote; FUJII Takeshi (9 dan)

(diagram 1)

1. P-7f P-3d
2. P-2f P-4d
3. S-4h S-4b
4. P-5f P-5d
5. G-5h(4i) S-6b
6. S-7h G-5b(6a)
7. P-6f S-3c
8. S-7g B-3a
9. B-7i K-4b
10. K-6h K-3b
11. K-7h P-7d
(diagram 1)

Both KUBO and FUJII is so called "Furibisha tou"; it means that the player who usually use "Furibisha " . But they didn't select "Furibisha " or "Ai-furibisha " opening , but they selected "Yagura"opening ; especially so called "Uso-Yagura"opening . And they chose "Hayagakoi " (means quick castling ) .

(diagram 2)

12.G-6g G-4c
13. K-8b S-7c
14. S-5g P-8d
15. G-7h P-8e
16. S-4f P-7e
17. Px7e Bx7e
(diagram 2)

FUJII exchanged the 7th file Pawn by his Bsihop , try to make "Yagura kuzushi".

The formations shown below are usually called "Yagura Kuzushi " (meaning Yagura gakoi breaker ) .

And KUBO must not forgive it .

After 189 moves until B'4e , KUBO won over FUJII .

Jun 24, 2008

Shogi News; SHIMIZU defend "Joryu-Osho".

Shogi News; Joryu-Osho 5 games match

The 4th game of Joryu-Osho 5 games match between SHIMIZU and YAUCHI started 20 June 2008 at Shogi kaikan, Tokyo .

Sente; YAUCHI Rieko (Joryu-Meijin , Jo-o)
Gote; SHIMIZU Ichiyo ( Joryu-Osho , Kurashiki-Toka)

(diagram 1)

1. P-2f P-3d
2. P-7f P-8d
3. P-2e P-8e
4. G-7h G-3b
5. P-2d Px2d
6. Rx2d P-8f
7. Px8f Rx8f
8. R-2f! P'2c
9. P'8g R-8b
10. P-1f P-1d
11. S-3h S-7b
12. P-4f P-6d
13. S-4g S-6c
14. G-5h S-5d
15. S-5f G-5b
(diagram 1)

SHIMIZU lead the opening to "Yokofutori" , but YAUCHI declined it by 8.R-2f , and the opening transposition to "Aigakari". Both player made her camp to Koshikakegin (S-5d , S-5f) .

(diagram 2)

16. K-6h P-4d
17. B-7g S-4b
18. S-8h S-4c(4b)
19. P-8f P-3e!
20. S-8g S-3d
21. P-9f P-9d
22. K-7i G-4c(5b)
23. S-4g K-4b
24. P-3f K-3i
25. R-2h Px3f
26. Sx3f P'3e
27.S-4g P-7d
(diagram 2)

YAUCHI made her camp "Ginkanmuri" (S-8g style castle ) , and SHIMIZU developed her camp "Gintachi-Yagura"(Yagura gakoi with S-3d formation ) .

After 202 moves until B'8g , SHIMIZU won this game . Then the score become "SHIMIZU 3 win - 1 win YAUCHI", and SHIMIZU defend her title "Joryu-Osho".

Shogi News; YAUCHI won over SHIMIZU .

Shogi News; Joryu-Osho , 3rd game .

The 3rd game of Joryu-Osho 5 games match between SHIMIZU and YAUCHI started 15 June 2008.

Sente; SHIMIZU Ichiyo (Joryu-Osho , Kurashiki-Toka)
Gote; YAUCHI Rieko (Joryu-Meijin , Jo-o)

(diagram 1)

1. P-2f P-8d
2. P-2e P-8e
3. G-7h G-3b
4. P-2d Px2d
5. Rx2d P'2c
6. R-2f S-7b
7. S-3h P-6d
8. P-7f P-8f
9. Px8f Rx8f
10. P'8g R-8b
11. P-3f P-3d
12. K-5h S-6c
13. P-3e Px3e
14. S-3g S-5d
15. S-4f B-4d
16. G-3h S-2b
17. P'3d G-5b
(diagram 1)

SHIMIZU lead the opening to "Aigakari", and YAUCHI followed .
SHIMIZU use her right Silver for attacking (S-3g) , and positioned the King "Nakazumai "(positioning 5h square ) This attacking formation is called "Nakahara-ryu san-nana gin senpou "(Aigakari Nakahara's style Silver 3g attacking . ) YAUCHI deffend with all Sivers and Golds .

(diagram 2)

18. Bx4d Px4d
19. N-7g K-4b
20. P-7e P-1d
21. S-3e S-4c
22. P-8f P'3c
23. Px3c+ Sx3c
24. P-8e P-4e
(diagram 2)

SHIMIZU try to attack left side , because YAUCHI's piece move right side of the board and become difficult to defend left side .

After 158 moves until R'2e , YAUCHI won over SHIMIZU . Then the score of this title match become "SHIMIZU 2 win - 1 win YAUCHI" .

Jun 23, 2008

Shogi News; FUKAURA won over MARUYAMA .

Shogi News; JT Shogi Nihon Series .

A game between FUKAURA (Oi ) and MARUYAMA (9 dan ) started at 14 June 2008 at Niigata .

MARUYAMA lead the opening to "Ittezon Kakukawari" .

Sente; FUKAURA Koichi ( Oi)
Gote; MARUYAMA Tadahisa (9 dan)

(diagram 1)
1. P-7f P-3d
2. P-2f G-3b
3. G-7h P-8d
4. P-2e Bx8h+
5. Sx8h S-2b
6. S-3h S-3c
7. K-6h P-8e !
(diagram 1)

P-8e is very strange move . Gote lost one move by Bishop exchange . The move P-8e will make the Gote's camp similar form as Sente's one . Then Gote might lose the great advantage by one move difference .

(diagram 2)

8. S-7g S-7b
9. P-4f P-6d
10. S-4g S-6c
11. P-1f P-1d
12. K-7i K-4b
13. G-5h P-6e
14. P-9f P-9d
15. S-5f S-5d
16. P-3f G-5b
17. N-3g P-7d
18. S-4e
(diagram 2)

Both player made their camp "Koshikakegin" , and one move difference gave the influence to the position slowly .

After 103 moves until S'6c , FUKAURA won this game .
You can see the game record on the Net .

Jun 22, 2008

Shogi News; SATO won the 2nd game .

Shogi News; The 79th Kisei 5 games match

The 2nd game of the Kisei 5 games match between SATO (Kisei , Kio ) and HABU (Meijin , Osho , Oza) started 21 June 2008 .

HABU lead the opening to 2...B3c style .

(diagram 1)

Sente; SATO Yasumitsu
(Kisei , Kio)
Gote; HABU Yoshiharu
(Meijin , Osho , Oza)

1. P-7f P-3d
2. P-2f B-3c !
(diagram 1)

This opening sometimes seen in the games of
professional shogi players recently .

SATO exchanged the Bishops & made a "Anaguma" with something strange King's pass way(K-7g) .
HABU moved his Rook 2 steps R-4b --> R-2b , and he made a "Mino gakoi".

(diagram 2)

3. Bx3c+ Nx3c
4. G-7h R-4b
5. S-4h K-6b
6. K-6h K-7b
7. K-7g ! R-2b
8. P-2e S-4b
9. K-8h K-8b
10. L-9h P-9d
11. K-9i S-7b
12. S-8h
(diagram 2)

HABU tried attacking with dropping his Bishop at 4g square .
HABU's camp became "Ginkanmuri" .

6:49 P.M. after 99 moves (50. P'7d) , SATO won this game .
Then the score of this title match has become "SATO 2 win -0 win HABU ".
SATO need only one more win to defend his title "Kisei" .

The 3rd game will start 2 July at Sumoto , Hyougo .

You can see the game record

Jun 19, 2008

Shogi News; HABU become the challenger of "Oi"

Shogi News; Oi
19 Jun. 2008 , the game between HABU (Meijin , Osho , Oza) and HASHIMOTO (7 dan) started .
This game's winner become the challenger of "Oi".

The opening of this game advanced to "Aigakari ". HASHIMOTO declined the Pawn move "P-1d ", and HABU push the Pawn to 1e square . Then HASHIMOTO selected attacking position with S-6e .

(diagaram 1)
Black; HABU (Meijin, Osho, Oza)
White; HASHIMOTO (7 dan)

1. P-2f P-8d
2. P-2e P-8e
3. G-7h G-3b
4. P-2d Px2d
5. Rx2d P'2c
6. R-2h P-9d
7. P-9f S-7b
8. S-3h P-3d
9. P-4f P-8f
10. Px8f Rx8f
11. S-4g R-8d
12. P'8g P-6d
13. P-7f S-6c
14. P-1f S-5d
15. P-1e S-6e
(diagram 1)

6:50 P.M. , after 91 moves until 46. S-8i , HABU win this game , then HABU become the challenger of "Oi" . You can see this game record on

The Oi 7 games match between FUKAURA (Oi) and HABU (Meijin , Osho, Oza) will start 14 July at Abashiri Hokkaido .

Shogi News; Daiwa Shouken cup ; AKUTSU won .

Shogi News; Daiwa-Shoken cup ; "Saikyou-sen"
8 Jun. 2008 , The game between KIMURA (8 dan ) and AKUTSU (6 dan) started on the Net .
AKUTSU choice the opening of this game "Ittezon-kakukawari 2...P-9d variation " .

(diagram 1)

Black; KIMURA (8 dan)
White; AKUTSU (6 dan)

1. P-2f P-3d
2. P-7f P-9d
(diagram 1)

Opening advance to "Kakukoukan Furibisha ".

(diagram 2)

3. P-2e P-9e
4. S-4h Bx8h+
5. Sx8h S-2b
6. K-6h S-3c
7. G-7h R-4b
(diagram 2)

KIMURA's camp became "Ibisha" + "Yagura gakoi" , and AKUTSU's camp became , "Mukaibisha" + "Takamino gakoi".

After 178 moves until 89...Nx7g+ , AKUTSU won this game .

Jun 18, 2008

Shogi News; HABU get "Meijin".

Shogi News; The 6th game of 66th Meijin 7 games match .
17 Jun. 8:10 P.M. , after 105 moves HABU won the 6th game of Meijin , and he get 66th "Meijin" . Then HABU get 19th-life-time Meijin , because he has got Meijin 5 times .

Jun 17, 2008

Shogi News; Second day of 6th game of Meijin sen.

Shogi News;
The 6th game restarted with HABU's move , 24.P'2c .

HABU attacked MORIUCHI's camp and made his own camp safety . But MORICUHI has no effective tactics . Then HABU get the great advantage !!

The game still continues now .

Jun 16, 2008

Shogi News; 6th game started .

Shogi News;
16 Jun. 2008 6th game of Meijin match between MORIUCHI and HABU started at Tendo , Yamagata . The score of this match is now "MORIUCHI 2 win - 3 win HABU . Then HABU need only one more win to get Meijin .

The game started with HABU's 1.P-2f , and MORIUCHI replied 1...P-8d . They selected "Aigakari" as the opening of this game . HABU choice "Hikihisha Bougin" , he have choiced this opening first time in this match and MORIUCHI have choice this variation two times (3rd & 5th game of this match ) .

(diagram 1)

Black; HABU (Osho , Oza)
White; MORIUCHI (Meijin )
1. P-2f P-8d
2. P-2e P-8e
3. G-7h G-3b
4. P-2d Px2d
5. Rx2d P'2c
6. R-2h P-8f
7. Px8f Rx8f
8. P'8g R-8d
9. S-3h P-3d
10. S-2g P-9d
11. P-9f K-4a
12. S-3f B-3c (diagram 1)

HABU tried to make "Yagura gakoi" ( 18.B-6f) , but MORIUCHI declined Bishop exchange once by 18...R-8b , and by this move MORIUCHI's camp seems to have a weak point ; the move S-4e becomes the folk ( 3d & 5d Pawns ) .

(diagram 2)

13. P-1f P-1d
14. P-7f S-2b
15. K-6i S-6b
16. G-5h G-5b
17. P-4f P-5d
18. B-6f R-8b
(diagram 2)

After diagram 2 , HABU tried to attack MORIUCHI's camp by 19. S-4e , And MORIUCHI replied Bishop exchange & drop Bishop . Then 1st day of this game is ended by HABU's move . This game will restart next morning .

Jun 15, 2008

Shogi News; Ginga sen

Shogi News;
16 Jun. , a game of Ginga sen between MIURA and MATSUO was broadcasted .
MATSUO lead the opening , "Ittezon Kakukawari " .

(diagram 1)

Black; MIURA (8 dan)
White; MATSUO (7 dan)

1. P-7f P-3d
2. P-2f G-3b
3. G-7h Bx8h+
(diagram 1)

MIURA advanced his camp to "Koshikakegin " , and MATSUO also advanced his camp "Koshikakegin ".

(diagram 2)

4. Sx8h S-4b
5. P-1f P-1d
6. K-6h S-6b
7. S-3h P-6d
8. P-3f S-6c
9. N-3g G-5b
10. P-4f P-4d
11. S-4g S-5d
12. P-9f P-6e
13. S-7g P-7d
14. G-5h B'6d
15. R-4h K-4a
16. P-9e N-7c
17. K-7i K-3a
18. S-5f R-6b
(diagram 2)

After 75 moves , MIURA won this game . You can see this game record on

Jun 11, 2008

Shogi News; SATO won the first game !

Shogi News;
The first game of Kisei 5games match started this morning at Niigata , 7:16P.M. , after 114 moves SATO won the game . Then the score become " SATO 1 win - 0 win HABU " .

Next game will start 21 Jun. in Aichi .

You can see the game record on the Net . (See following picture . )