Mar 31, 2010

Ai Furibisha ; Sente Nakabisha Kata mino gakoi vs Gote Sanken Bisha Hon mino gakoi

Shogi Game record : The 18th Ginga sen ; C-block

A shogi game of the Ginga sen C-block between SATOU Kazutoshi and INABA was broadcasted 31 December 2009 .

Sente : SATOU Kazutoshi (5 dan)
Gote : INABA Akira (4 dan)

(diagram 1)

1.P-5f P-3d
2.R-5h R-3b
3.P-7f S-4b
4.P-7e P-4d
5.S-6h S-7b
6.S-5g K-6b
7.K-4h G4a-5b
8.S-3h S-4c
9.K-3i P-3e
10.P-8f P-1d
11.P-8e K-7a
12.S-4f P-6d
13.K-2h P-1e
14.P-9f G-6c
15.P-9e P-2d
16.P-6f K-8b
17.B-7g P-4e
18.S-5g P-2e
19.R-8h P-3f
20.Px3f Rx3f
21.P-8d Px8d
(diagram 1)

SATO pushed the 5th file Pawn with 1.P-5f and ranged the Rook with 2.R-5h making Nakabisha formation . INABA opened the Bishop line with 1...P-3d and ranged the Rook with 2...R-3b making Sanken Bisha form .

SATO advanced the 7th file Pawn onto 7e and INABA closed the Bishop line with 4...P-4d . SATO advanced his left Silver to 5g and made Kata mino gakoi . INABA also made Hon mino gakoi .

SATO ranged his Rook again with 19.R-8h and INABA exchanged the 3rd file Pawns . SATO sacrificed the 8th file Pawn with 21.P-8d and pushed the 6th file Pawn with 22.P-6e to open the Bishop line .

(diagram 2)

23.Nx7g R-3d
24.Px6d Gx6d
25.P*3g Gx7e
26.B*2b B*3c
27.Bx3c+ Nx3c
28.B*2b P*6f
29.G-7h P-2f
30.Bx1a+ Px2g+
31.Sx2g B*7f
32.G-3h P-6g+
33.G-8g Bx8g+
34.Rx8g +Px5g
(diagram 2)

INABA exchanged the Bishops with 22...Bx7g+ and backed his Rook with 23...R-3d . SATO dropped a Bishop with 26.B*2b aiming at the 1a-Lance . After attacked the 2nd file , INABA dropped a Bishop with 31...B*7f attacking the 4i-Gold . SATO let the 4i-Gold escape with 32.G-3h and INABA made a promoted Pawn with 32...P-6g+ .

SATO let his 7h-Gold escape from the promoted Bishop with 33.G-8g attacking the 7f-Bishop . INABA sacrificed his 7f-Bishop with 33...Bx8g+ and captured the 5g-Silver with 34...+Px5g . SATO dropped a Pawn with 35.P+8c and tried to attack INABA's King .

(diagram 3)

36.P*8e Px8e
37.Nx8e P*2f
38.Sx2f P*2g
39.Gx2g P*2e
40.Sx1e +P-4h
41.P*6b S*3h
42.Px6a+ Sx2g+
43.Kx2g G*2f
44.Sx2f Px2f
45.Kx2f R-2d
(diagram 3)

After 90 moves , INABA won the game .

KOBO defend his title Kio !

Shog News : The 35th Kio sen ; 5 games title match

8:08 P.M. (JST) , 30 March 2010 , after 190 moves , KUBO won the last game of this match . The score of this match becomes "KUBO 3 --- 2 SATO" and KUBO defends his title Kio .

You can see the original game record on the Net .
(Flash version , written in Japanese language)
(Java version , written in Japanese language)

Sente : SATO Yasumitsu (9 dan)
Gote : KUBO Toshiaki (Kio)

(diagram 1)

1.P-7f P-3d
2.P-2f P-5d
3.P-2e R-5b
4.S-4h P-5e
5.K-6h B-3c
6.P-3f K-6b
7.S-3g K-7b
8.S-4f G-3b
9.K-7h K-8b
10.S-6h S-4b
11.S-7g S-5c
(diagram 1)

Until 3...R-5b , KUBO selected Gokigen Nakabisha as the opening of this game . SATO advanced his right Silver through 3g , the San-Nana Gin kyusen line .

SATO advanced one more Silver with 11.S-7g threatening the 5e-Pawn . KUBO also advanced his left Silver to protect the 5e-Pawn . Then SATO started attacking with 12.P-3e .

(diagram 2)

13.Sx3e S-6d
14.P*3d B-2b
15.P-2d Px2d
16.Rx2d P*2c
17.R-2f L-9b
18.S-6f K-9a
19.G-6h S-8b
20.P-9f P-7d
21.G4i-5h G-7a
22.B-9g P-7e
23.Px7e P-5f
24.Px5f P*5e
(diagram 2)

SATO exchanged the 3rd file Pawns and KUBO advanced the 5c-Silver with 13...S-6d . SATO dropped a Pawn with 14.P*3d forcing the 3c-Bishop to back with 14...B-2b . SATO exchanged the 2nd file Pawns by his Rook .

KUBO dropped a Pawn with 16...P*2c to protect the 2nd file and made Anaguma gakoi . SATO also strengthened his camp until 21.G4i-5h and moved up the Bishop with 22.B-9g threatening the line ;Bx6d Px6d;S*4a .

KUBO sacrificed the 7th file Pawn with 22...P-7e to prevent the line and started attacking in the 5th file .

(diagram 3)

25.S-4f Px5f
26.P-7d P-4d
27.N-3g B-3a
28.R-3f B-4b
29.P*2b Gx2b
30.S-3e G-3b
31.Sx4d R-5d
32.P-3c+ Nx3c
33.R-3d P*3f
34.P*5e Sx5e
35.Bx4b+ Gx4b
36.S6fx5e Rx7d
37.P*7f Px3g+
38.B*6e R-8d
39.S*7e Rx4d
40.Rx4d P*4c
41.R-5d P*7g
(diagram 3)

SATO attacked KUBO's camp for a while . After some moves , KUBO sacrificed his Rook with 39...Rx4d and tried to attack SATO's King with 41...P*7g .

(diagram 4)

42.Nx7g B*3f
43.R-5a+ +Px4g
44.Gx4g Bx4g+
45.+Rx4b S*5i
46.G*5h Sx6h+
47.Gx6h P-5g+
48.Bx4g +Px4g
49.B*3e N*5f
50.G-6i G*7b
51.P*5g +Px5g
52.Bx5g N-4e
53.B-4f B*5g
54.S*7i P*5h
55.R*3b G*5i
56.G-6h Nx6h+
57.Sx6h Bx4f+
58.Sx4f P*3a
59.R-2b+ G*3b
61.G*7i R*4i
62.B*5e G-6i
63.Gx6i B*8i
64.Kx8i Rx6i+
65.G*7i G*7h
(diagram 4)

While SATO made a promoted Rook with 43.R-5a+ and captured the 4b-Gold with 45.+Rx4b , KUBO attacked SATO's Kakoi . Until 65...G*7h , KUBO seemed to get a win advantage .

(diagram 5)

66.K-9h Gx7i
67.Sx7i +Rx7i
68.G*8i +R-6h
69.K-9g +R-5i
70.B*2f P*7c
71.Bx5i Px5i+
72.R*4a P*5d
73.Bx1a+ B*6h
74.L*8e P-9d
75.Sx4e S*3c
76.+Bx3c Px3c
77.G-7h B*7i
78.S*8h Bx8h+
79.Kx8h B-5g+
80.S-6f +B-3e
(diagram 5)

KUBO failed to mate SATO's King , and SATO dropped a Lance with 74.L*8e and dropped a Knight with 81.N*7e to attack KUBO's Anaguma gakoi .

(diagram 6)

82.P*4f Sx7h+
83.Kx7h +P-6i
84.Sx5d +Bx4f
85.P*5g +B-6d
86.S-5c= +Bx5c
87.+Rx5c S*7i
88.N-6e +P-6h
89.K-7g G*7h
90.K-8f P-8d
91.N*8c Sx8c
92.Nx8c= Gx8c
93.Nx7c+ Gx7c
94.S-6e Px8e
95.K-7e +Px6g
(diagram 6)

After 190 moves , KUBO w0n the game .

Mar 30, 2010

The last game has just started . (Kio sen)

Shog News : The 35th Kio sen ; 5 games title match

The 5th/last game of the 35th Kio sen title match between KUBO and SATO Yasumitsu has just started 9:00 A.M. (JST) , 30 March 2010 at Kansai Shogi Kaikan , Fukushima ku , Osaka .

You can see the game nearly real time on the Net .
(Flash version , written in Japanese language)
(Java version , written in Japanese language)

KUBO Toshiaki (Kio)
SATO Yasumitsu (9 dan)

Mar 29, 2010

Gote Gokigen Nakabisha vs 4.G-7h line .

Shogi Game record : The 3rd Jo-ryu Saikyou sen

A shogi game of the Jo-ryu Saikyou sen between YAUCHI and YAMAGUCHI started 8:00 P.M. (JST) , 27 Decemer 2009 on the Net .

Sente : YAUCHI Rieko (Jo-o)
Gote : YAMAGUCHI Eriko (Jo-ryu 1 kyu)

(diagram 1)

1.P-7f P-5d
2.P-2f P-3d
3.P-2e R-5b
4.G-7h K-6b
5.S-4h K-7b
6.K-6i K-8b
7.B-7g S-7b
8.S-6h P-9d
9.P-9f B-3c
10.Bx3c+ Nx3c
11.P-2d Px2d
12.B*2c G-3b
13.Bx3d+ P-2e
14.P-6f P-5e
15.+B-6g R-5d
16.P-3f R-2d
17.K-7i S-4b
18.P-4f P-4d
19.S-4g P-2f
20.G-3h P-4e
(diagram 1)

Until 3...R-5b , YAMAGUCHI selected Gokigen Nakabisha as the opening of this game . YAUCHI selected 4.G-7h line .

YAMAGUCHI quickly made Kata mino gakoi and YAUCHI also made Kaku tsuki Kin mino . YAMAGUCHI moved up her Bishop with 9...B-3c to develop her camp and YAUCHI immediately exchanged the Bishops with 10.Bx3c+ .

YAUCHI sacrificed the 2nd file Pawn with 11.P-2d and dropped a Bishop with 12.B*2c to make a promoted Bishop . YAUCHI succeeded making a promoted Bishop and YAMAGUCHI moved her Rook onto 2d aiming a counter attack in the 2nd file .

YAMAGUCHI advanced the 2nd file Pawn with 19...P-2f and YAUCHI moved up her right Gold with 20.G-3h to defend the 2nd file . YAMAGUCHI pushed the 4th file Pawn with 20...P-4e to start attacking .

(diagram 2)

21.+B-4i Px4f
22.Sx4f P-2g+
23.Gx2g B*4g
24.S-3e R-2a
25.P*2d B-7d+
26.G-3g P*2e
27.G-4f R-5a
28.N-3g S-4c
29.+B-6g S-5d
30.P-2c+ G-4b
31.S-4d P*4e
32.+Px3c Gx3c
33.Sx3c+ Px4f
34.Rx2e +B-4g
35.+S-4b P-5f
36.+Sx5a Gx5a
37.R-2a+ S*6a
38.+Rx5a G*6i
39.K-8h +Bx3g
40.R*2b resigns
(diagram 2)

After 79 moves , YAUCHI won the game .

KAI won the 1st game ! (Jo-o)

Shogi News : The 3rd Mynavi Joshi open ; Jo-o 5 games title match

5:18 P.M. (JST) , 28 March 2010 , after 133 moves , KAI won the 1st game of this match . The score of this match becomes , "YAUCHI 0 --- 1 KAI" .

The 2nd shogi game of this match will start 9:00 A.M. (JST) 11 April 2010 at Kurashiki shi Bungei kan , Kurashiki city , Okayama .

You can see the original game record on the Net .
(Java version , written in Japanese language)
(Flash version , written in Japanese language)

YAUCHI Rieko (Jo-o)
KAI Tomomi (Jo-ryu 2 dan)

(diagram 1)

1.P-5f P-8d
2.P-7f P-3d
3.P-5e S-6b
4.R-5h K-4b
5.K-4h K-3b
6.K-3h G6a-5b
7.K-2h P-8e
8.B-7g P-4d
9.S-6h B-3c
10.S-5g K-2b
11.L-1h L-1b
12.K-1i K-1a
13.S-2h S-2b
14.P-3f G-4c
15.S-4f R-8d
16.G-3i G-3b
17.R-3h S-5a
18.P-9f S-4b
19.P-3e Px3e
20.Sx3e S4b-3a
21.G-5h B-5a
22.R-3f R-6d
23.B-8h P-8f
(diagram 1)

By 1.P-5f , KAI shown her attitude to select Nakabisha . YAUCHI pushed the 8th file Pawn with 1...P-8d to select Ibisha as her usual . YAUCHI didn't push the 5th file Pawn ...P-5d and allowed KAI to make Gosuji Kurai dori Nakabisha formation .

KAI made Anaguma gakoi and YAUCHI made Ibisha Anaguma . KAI advanced her left Silver onto 4f and slid her Rook with R-3h aiming at the 3c-Bishop head . KAI exchanged the 3rd file Pawns and YAUCHI developed her Ibisha Anaguma to MATSUO ryu Anaguma . YAUCHI started attacking with 23...P-8f .

(diagram 2)

24.Px8f P-5d
25.S-3d P*3e
26.Rx3e B-2d
27.R-3h Gx3d
28.Rx3d Px5e
29.P*5c S*4c
30.R-3f R-5d
31.P-8e P-6d
32.P-4f Rx5c
33.B-9g R-5d
34.N-7g P*3e
35.R-3h S-3d
36.G-4g P-4e
37.B-7i P-5f
38.P*5e R-4d
39.Gx5f Px4f
40.Gx4f P-3f
41.Rx3f S-2e
42.Rx3b+ Sx3b
43.G*3e P*3h
44.Gx3h R*7h
45.Gx4d Rx3h+
46.P*3c Nx3c
47.R*6a P*4a
48.G*3i +R-7h
(diagram 2)

After sacrificed the 8th file Pawn , YAUCHI pushed the 5th file Pawn with 24...P-5d to attack . KAI advanced her Silver with 25.S-3d to attack . YAUCHI sacrificed a Pawn with 25...P*3e and attacked KAI's Rook with 26...B-2d before capturing the 3d-Silver .

After the exchange of KAI's Silver and YAUCHI's Gold , KAI dropped a Pawn with 29.P*5c to aim making a promoted Pawn . YAUCHI dropped a Silver with 29...S*4c protecting ;P-5b+ and attacking the 3d-Rook .

After some moves , YAUCHI advanced the 4th file Pawn and attacked this file with 36...P-4e . KAI sacrificed her Rook and tried to attack YAUCHI's Ibisha Anaguma .
YAUCHI dropped a Rook and attacked KAI's Anaguma gakoi .

(diagram 3)

49.B-5g P*3h
50.G-4i +Rx6g
51.P*3d +Rx5g
52.Px3c+ Bx4f
53.P*3g S2bx3c
54.Gx3c G*2b
55.Gx3b Gx3b
56.N*4d G*3a
57.Nx3b+ Gx3b
58.S*4c G*3a
59.Sx3b+ Gx3b
60.Rx4a+ B*2a
61.S*4c S*3a
62.G*3c Gx3c
63.+Rx3a G*2b
64.G*4b Gx4c
65.S*3b Bx5e
66.Gx4c N*3f
67.Sx2a+ resigns
(diagram 3)

After 133 moves , KAI won the game .

Mar 28, 2010

The 1st game has just started . (Jo-o)

Shogi News : The 3rd Mynavi Joshi open ; Jo-o 5 games title match

The 1st shogi game of the Jo-o 5 games title match between YAUCHI and KAI has just started 9:00 A.M. (JST) 28 March 2010 at Kyu HOSOKAWA Gyoubu tei , Kumamoto city , Kumamoto .

You can see the game nearly real time on the Net .
(Java version , written in Japanese language)
(Flash version , written in Japanese language)

YAUCHI Rieko (Jo-o)
KAI Tomomi (Jo-ryu

Mar 27, 2010

Yonteme Kyu-Yon Fu senpou vs Sente San-Nana Gin kyusen

Shogi Game record : The 59th NHK cup TV Shogi tournament

A shogi game of the NHK cup TV Shogi tournament between MIURA and SATO Yasumitsu was broadcasted 27 December 2009 .

Sente : MIURA Hiroyuki (8 dan)
Gote : SATO Yasumitsu (9 dan)

(diagram 1)

1.P-7f P-3d
2.P-2f P-9d
3.P-2e P-9e
4.K-6h Bx8h+
5.Sx8h R-4b
6.K-7h K-6b
7.S-4h K-7b
8.G4i-5h R-2b
9.B*7g B*3c
10.P-3f S-4b
11.S-3g K-8b
12.S-4f S-7b
13.S-5e G-3b
(diagram 1)

By 2...P-9d , SATO selected Yonteme Kyu-Yon Fu senpou as the opening of this game . After advanced the 9th file Pawn onto P-9e , SATO exchanged the Bishops and ranged his Rook with 5...R-4b; Shiken Bisha position .

After protecting the 8c-Pawn by 7...K-7b , SATO ranged his Rook again with 8...R-2b ; Mukai Bisha position . MIURA dropped a Bishop with 9.B*7g threatening the 2b-Rook . SATO also dropped a Bishop to defend the Rook .

MIURA pushed the 3rd file Pawn with 10.P-3f and advanceed his right Silver onto 4f aiming at the 3c-Bishop . SATO completed his Kata mino gakoi and MIURA advanced his right Silver with 13.S-5e . Until 14.N-3g , MIURA seemed to get a strategical advantage .

(diagram 2)

15.P-1f P-1d
16.R-2f S-5a
17.N-4e B-4b
18.S-4f N-3c
19.P-2d Px2d
20.Rx2d P*2c
21.Rx3d Nx4e
22.Sx4e N*4d
23.R-3e G-3c
24.P*2b Rx2b
25.N*3d R-3b
26.Nx4b+ Sx4b
27.G5h-6h P-2d
28.P*2c P*3d
29.P-2b+ Px3e
30.+Px3b Gx3b
31.R*2a Px3f
32.Rx1a+ P-3g+
33.B-5e N*6d
34.Bx3g S-5a
35.B-4f R*3i
36.S-7g P*3f
37.Bx2d S-6b
38.+R-2a R-2i+
39.L*8f P-3g+
40.Sx4d Px4d
(diagram 2)

SATO moved his Rook with 14...R-1b to make a space for the 3c-Bishop's escape route . After pushing the 1st file Pawn , MIURA floated his Rook with 16.R-2f and started attacking with 17.N-4e .

MIURA exchanged the 2nd file Pawns and captured the 3d-Pawn by the Rook . After exchanging Knights , SATO tried to kill MIURA's Rook . MIURA sacrificed a Pawn with 24.P*2b and dropped a Knight with 25.N*3d forking the 2b-Rook and the 4b-Bishop .

SATO let his Rook escape with 25...R-3b and MIURA got a Bishop with 26.Nx4b+ . They captured the opponent's Rook and MIURA dropped a Rook with 31.R*2a to attack SATO's camp .

After some moves , SATO also dropped a Rook with 35...R*3i . MIURA dropped a Lance with 39.L*8f and attacked SATO's Mino gakoi from the front with 41.Lx8c+ .

(diagram 3)

42.N*7e K-8d
43.B*8b S*8e
44.+Rx6a Sx6a
45.P-8f K-7d
46.P-6f +Rx6i
47.Gx6i R*2h
48.K-6g resigns
(diagram 3)

After 95 moves , MIURA won the game .

Mar 26, 2010

Gote Nakabisha Anaguma vs Ibisha Anaguma

Shogi Game record : The 18th Ginga sen : B-block

A shogi game of the Ginga sen B-block between OH'ISHI and YAGURA was broadcasted 26 December 2009 .

Sente : OH'ISHI Tadashi (4 dan)
Gote : YAGURA Norihiro (6 dan)

(diagram 1)

1.P-7f P-3d
2.P-2f P-4d
3.S-4h S-4b
4.P-5f P-5d
5.G4i-5h R-5b
6.K-6h K-6b
7.K-7h K-7b
8.S-5g K-8b
9.B-7g S-5c
10.P-6f L-9b
11.K-8h K-9a
12.G-6g S-8b
13.L-9h P-7d
14.K-9i S-6d
15.P-2e B-3c
16.G-7h G-7a
17.S-8h G-5a
18.S-6h G5a-6a
19.R-2f P-7e
(diagram 1)

Until 5...R-5b , YAGURA selected Nakabisha , classic closed style Nakabisha . OH'ISHI made Funa gakoi and immediately started developing it to Ibisha Anaguma .

YAGURA also made Anaguma gakoi , advanced the left Silver onto 6f and started attacking with 19...P-7e .

(diagram 2)

20.P-6e Sx6e
21.Px7e P*7f
22.B-8f P-4e
23.P-7d P-6d
24.Bx6d P-5e
25.Px5e Bx5e
26.P*5c Bx8h+
27.Gx8h R-6b
28.Bx8b+ Gx8b
29.P*6f S*7g
30.Sx7g Px7g+
31.G6gx7g P*7f
32.G7g-7h Sx7d
33.B*4c B*4d
34.Bx6a+ Rx6a
35.P-5b+ R-6c
36.G*6b Rx6b
37.+Px6b Bx6b
38.R-2h S*7g
39.R*2b B*4d
40.Rx2a+ Sx7h+
41.Gx7h G*7g
(diagram 2)

Replying YAGURA's 19...P-7e , OH'ISHI pushed the 6th file Pawn with 20.P-6e ; Tsuki chigai technique , and captured the 7e-Pawn with 21.Px7e . YAGURA dropped a pawn with 21...P*7f forcing the 7g-Bishop to run away .

YAGURA sacrificed the 6th file Pawn and exchanged the 5th file Pawns . OH'ISHI dropped a Pawn with 26.P*5c forking the 5b-Rook and the 5e-Bishop . YAGURA sacrificed his Bishop with 26...Bx8h+ and let his Rook escape from the 5c-Pawn attacking the 6d-Bishop .

OH'ISHI also sacrificed his Bishop with 28.Bx8b+ and dropped a Pawn with 29.P*6f to drive away the 6e-Silver . Before the escape of the 6e-Silver , YAGURA dropped a Silver with 29...S*7g to continue attacking .

OH'ISHI dropped a Silver with 33.S*4c and attacked YAGURA's camp for a while . After some moves , YAGURA attacked OH'ISHI's Ibisha Anaguma and almost broke the Kakoi .

(diagram 3)

42.Nx7g Px7g+
43.Gx7g N*8e
44.S*8f Nx7g+
45.Sx7g P*7f
46.Sx7f Bx6f
47.S*8h G*7g
48.G*8i B6b-4d
49.Sx7g Bx7g+
50.N*8h +Bx7f
51.+R-4a +B-6f
52.S*7a G*7b
53.Sx8b+ Gx8b
54.G*6g +Bx6g
55.+Rx4d S*7g
56.+Rx7d +Bx8i
57.Kx8i S*6h
58.Rx6h Sx6h+
59.S*7i R*5i
60.P*6i Rx6i+
61.G*7h S*6g
62.B*5f +Sx7h
63.+Rx7h +Rx7h
64.Sx7h G*7i
(diagram 3)

After 128 moves , YAGURA won the game .

Mar 25, 2010

Gote Gokigen Nakabisha vs Sente San-Nana Gin kyusen

Shogi Game record : The 3rd Asahi cup Shogi Open

A shogi game of the Asahi cup Shogi open between FUKAURA and SATO KAzutoshi started 3:15 P.M. (JST) , 25 December 2009 .

You can see the original game record on the Net .
(Flash version , written in Japanese language)

Sente : FUKAURA Kouichi (Oi)
Gote : SATO Kazutoshi (5 dan)

(diagram 1)

1.P-2f P-3d
2.P-7f P-5d
3.P-2e R-5b
4.S-4h P-5e
5.K-6h B-3c
6.P-3f K-6b
7.S-3g S-3b
8.S-4f R-5d
9.G4i-5h K-7b
10.P-6f P-4d
11.P-6e P-4e
(diagram 1)

SATO selected Gokigen Nakabisha as the opening of this game . FUKAURA moved up his King with 5.K-6h and quickly advanced his right Silver onto 4f aiming at both the 5e-Pawn and the 3c-Bishop's head . SATO floated his Rook with 8...R-5d threatening the 7f-Pawn .

FUKAURA advanced the 6th file Pawn and SATO advanced the 4th file Pawn with 11...P-4e attacking the 4f-Silver .

(diagram 2)

12.Sx4e R-8d
13.K-7h S-4c
14.G-6g B-2b
15.P-2d Px2d
16.Rx2d G-3b
17.P*2c B-3c
18.R-2h K-8b
19.B-6f R-7d
20.P-3e P*2d
21.P-6d Px6d
22.P-7e R-8d
23.B-7g Px3e
24.P*3d B-4b
25.Bx5e P*4d
26.S-5f P-6e
27.P-2b+ Gx2b
28.P-7d Rx7d
29.K-8h S-7b
30.K-9h P-9d
31.R-7h Rx7h+
32.Gx7h P-6f
33.G6g-7g P-9e
34.P*7d P-9f
35.Px9f P*9g
36.K-8h S-5d
37.Bx4d P*5e
38.R*4a Lx9f
39.P-8f G-3b
(diagram 2)

FUKAURA captured the 4e-Pawn with 12.Sx4e attacking the 5d-Pawn . SATO let his Rook escape from the Silver with 12...R-8d and aimed the 8g-Pawn . FUKAURA protected the 8g-Pawn with 13.K-7h developing his Kakoi .

SATO started to prepare killing the 4e-Silver with 13...S-4c . Replying SATO's 14...B-2b FUKAURA exchanged the 2nd file Pawns . Before SATO killed the 4e-Silver , FUKAURA started attacking

After some moves , they exchanged the Rooks and tried to attack the opponent's King .

(diagram 3)

41.P*6b G-5a
42.Rx2a+ R*9d
43.P*9e Rx9e
44.Nx9g P*9h
45.Lx9h G-3a
46.+Rx1a Px5f
47.N*7d K-9c
48.L*9i S-6e
49.N-8e K-8d
50.Lx9f P*7f
51.Lx9e Px7g+
52.Gx7g P*7f
53.G-7h S*7g
54.K-8i Bx8f
55.L*8h Sx7h=
56.Sx7h P-7g+
57.R*9d K-7e
58.B-5c+ G*6d
59.S*7i +Px7h
60.Sx7h P*7g
61.+Bx6d Kx6d
62.N-8b+ P-8d
63.Rx8d K-7e
64.Lx8f Px7h+
65.Kx7h S*7g
(diagram 3)

After 130 moves , SATO won the game .

Mar 24, 2010

Gote Gokigen Nakabisha vs Sente Nana-Hachi Kin line

Shogi Game record : The 3rd Asahi cup Shogi open

The replayed game of Asahi cup Shogi open between KIMURA and SATO Kazutoshi started 0:32 P.M. (JST) , 25 December 2009 .

You can see the original game record on the Net .
(Flash version , written in Japanese language)

Sente : KIMURA Kazuki (8 dan)
Gote : SATO Kazutoshi (5 dan)

(diagram 1)

1.P-7f P-5d
2.P-2f P-3d
3.P-2e R-5b
4.G-7h K-6b
5.S-4h K-7b
6.K-6i K-8b
7.B-7g S-7b
8.S-6h P-9d
9.P-9f B-3c
10.Bx3c+ Nx3c
11.P-2d Px2d
12.B*2c G-3b
13.Bx3d+ P-2e
14.P-6f P-5e
15.+B-3e R-5d
16.+B-3f R-2d
17.+B-4f R-2a
18.P-3f P-4d
19.P*2g S-4b
20.K-7i S-4c
21.K-8h S-5d
22.S-6g G-4c
23.S-5i P-6d
24.P-7e B*2d
25.P-3e S-4e
(diagram 1)

SATO selected Gokigen Nakabisha as the opening of this game . KIMURA replied with 4.G-7h line . SATO quickly made Kata mino gakoi , and moved up his Bishop with 9...B-3c .

KIMURA exchanged the Bishops with 10.Bx3c+ , sacrificed the 2nd file Pawn with 11.P-2d and dropped a Bishop with 12.B*2c to make a promoted Bishop . KIMURA made KIMURA mino and SATO advanced his left Gold and Silver .

KIMURA advanced the 7th file Pawn with 24.P-7e getting a Kurai . SATO dropped a Bishop with 24...B*2d threatening the Bishop exchange . KIMURA advanced the 3rd file Pawn with 25.P-3e to decline Bishop exchange . SATO crushed his 5d-Silver against the 4f-promoted Bishop with 25...S-4e to start attacking .

(diagram 2)

26.+Bx5e G-5d
27.+B-3g P*3f
28.+B-4h Bx3e
29.S-6h P-2f
30.Px2f P-6e
31.S-7g Px6f
32.S7gx6f P*6e
33.S-7g G-6d
34.G-5h R-5a
35.P*3d Sx3d
36.R-3h P*2h
37.Rx2h Gx7e
38.R-3h N-4e
39.P-4f P-6f
40.S-5f Bx4f
41.P*6b G-7a
42.Rx3f Bx1i+
43.Rx3d L*7f
44.R-3b+ Lx7g+
(diagram 2)

After some moves , SATO drove away KIMURA's promoted Bishop advanced the left Gold to attack KIMURA's Kakoi from the front . KIMURA slid his Rook with 36.R-3h aiming at the SATO's 3e-Bishop's head .

After some moves , SATO got the 1i-Lance sacrificing his 3d-Silver and dropped the Lacne with 43...L*7f to attack KIMURA's King .

(diagram 3)

45.Gx7g +Bx2i
46.+R-4b R-5d
47.P*7f Nx5g+
48.P-6a+ Gx6a
49.Gx5g S*6h
50.Px7e Rx5f
51.G*7h N*7f
52.Gx7f Sx5g+
53.+B-4i S*6g
54.N*6d Sx7h+
55.K-9g G*5b
56.Nx5b+ P-9e
57.Px9e P-6g+
58.L*6f P*9f
59.Kx9f +Px6f
60.G-8e L*9b
61.N*9d Lx9d
62.Px9d Gx5b
63.G*6b Gx6b
64.+Rx6b G*6a
65.L*6c +P-7f
66.K-9e +Px7e
67.S*9c Nx9c
68.Px9c+ Lx9c
69.P*9d Lx9d
(diagram 3)

After 138 moves , SATO won the game .

Mar 23, 2010

Sente Shiken Bisha Anaguma vs Gote Ibisha Anaguma

Shogi Game record : The 3rd Asahi cup Shogi open

A shogi game of the Asahi cup Shogi open between SATO Kazutoshi and KIMURA Kazuki started 10:00 A.M. (JST) , 25 December 2009 .

You can see the original game record on the Net .
(Flash version , written in Japanese language)

Sente : SATO Kazutoshi (5 dan)
Gote : KIMURA Kazuki (8 dan)

(diagram 1)

1.P-7f P-3d
2.P-6f S-6b
3.R-6h K-4b
4.K-4h K-3b
5.K-3h P-8d
6.K-2h P-5d
7.S-7h S-5c
8.L-1h B-3c
9.S-6g K-2b
10.K-1i P-8e
11.B-7g G6a-5b
12.S-2h G5b-4b
13.P-4f L-1b
14.S-5f S-4d
15.G6i-5h K-1a
16.P-6e S-5c
17.Bx3c+ Nx3c
18.B*7g S-2b
19.R-8h B*4d
20.P-3f Bx7g+
21.Nx7g P-4d
22.G-3i G-3a
23.S-4g G-2a
24.B*1f B*4c
25.P-2f P-7d
26.P-5f P-1d
27.B-4i G4b-3b
28.P-1f P-2d
29.G-5g P-9d
30.S-3h S-2c
31.S3h-2g G3b-2b
32.G-6f B-3b
33.B-6g P-4e
(diagram 1)

SATO closed the Bishop line with 2.P-6f and ranged the Rook with 3.R-6h making Shiken Bisha form . By 8.L-1h , SATO started making Anaguma gakoi and KIMURA also started making Ibisha Anaguma .

When SATO opened his Bishop line with 16.P-6e KIMURA backed his 4d-Silver with 16...S-5c facing the Bishops . SATO exchanged the Bishops and dropped his one with 18.B*7g .

KIMURA also dropped his Bishop with 19...B*4d and exchanged the Bishops again with 20...Bx7g+ . Both player dropped their each Bishop again . After developed their camp , KIMURA pushed the 4th file Pawn with 33...P-4e and started attacking .

(diagram 2)

34.Px4e Nx4e
35.G-4h P*4f
36.P-5e S-4d
37.Px5d R-5b
38.S-3h Rx5d
39.P*5f P-3e
40.P*4g Px3f
41.Px4f N-3g+
42.Nx3g Px3g+
43.Gx3g P*3e
44.N*4g R-5a
45.P-5e R-4a
46.P*3f Px3f
47.Gx3f P*3d
48.P*3e P-7e
49.Px3d Px7f
50.Gx7f P*5f
51.Bx5f P*3e
52.Nx3e Sx3e
53.Gx3e Rx4f
54.G-6f Rx5f
55.Gx5f B*7i
56.G-4d Bx8h+
57.P-3c+ R*5i
58.P*4i Rx5f+
59.+Px2b Gx2b
60.G*3c Gx3c
61.Gx3c G*2a
62.R*6a P*4a
63.P*3d G*2b
64.Gx2b Gx2b
65.S*3c G*2a
66.Sx2b= Gx2b
67.G*3c S*3a
68.Gx2b Sx2b
69.G*3c G*2a
70.Gx2b Gx2b
71.G*3c G*2a
72.Gx2b Gx2b
73.G*3c G*2a
74.Gx2b sennichite
(diagram 2)

After 147 moves , they drew the game by repetition of moves . And after a short time interval , they replayed the game .

Mar 22, 2010

Gote Ittezon Kakukawari vs Sente Hayakuri Gin

Shogi Game record : The 3rd Asahi cup Shogi Open

A shogi game of the Asahi cup Shogi Open between MARUYAMA and FUKAURA started 10:00 A.M. (JST) , 25 December 2009 .

You can see the original game record on the Net .
(Flash version , written in Japanese language)

Sente : MARUYAMA Tadahisa (9 dan)
Gote : FUKAURA Kouichi (Oi)

(diagram 1)

1.P-7f P-3d
2.P-2f G-3b
3.P-2e Bx8h+
4.Sx8h S-2b
5.P-1f P-9d
6.P-9f P-1d
7.S-4h S-3c
8.P-3f S-6b
9.S-3g P-6d
10.S-4f S-6c
11.S-7g P-8d
(diagram 1)

By 3...Bx8h+ , FUKAURA selected Ittezon Kakugawari as the opening of this game . MARUYAMA quickly advanced his right Silver onto 4f and started attacking with 12.P-3e .

(diagram 2)

13.Sx3e P-8e
14.P*3d S-2b
15.S-4f P*3c
16.Px3c+ Sx3c
17.G-7h S-5d
18.K-6h P-4d
19.K-7i P-6e
20.S-3e B*6d
21.R-1h P-1e
(diagram 2)

After the 3rd file Pawn exchange , FUKAURA advanced the 8th file Pawn with 13...P-8e . MARUYAMA once dropped a Pawn with 14.P*3d forcing FUKAURA to back the 3c-Silver , backed the 3e-Silver with 15.S-4f to prevent the line ...P-8f;Px8f ,P*8e;Px8e, Rx8e .

MARUYAMA immediately dropped a Pawn with 15...P*3c to remove the 3d-Pawn . Both players developed their each camp for a while . FUKAURA advanced the 6th file Pawn with 19...P-6e and dropped a Bishop with 20...B*6d attacking the 2h-Rook .

MARUYAMA let his Rook escape with 21.R-1h and FUKAURA pushed the 1st file Pawn with 21...p-1e .

(diagram 3)

22.P*3d S-4b
23.Px1e P-8f
24.Px8f P*8e
25.Px8e P-6f
26.Sx6f Rx8e
27.S-2f P*8h
28.Gx8h Bx1i+
29.Rx1i L*8f
30.G-9h Lx8i+
31.K-6h P-9e
32.P*8f Rx8f
33.B*7e R-8b
34.P*8c Rx8c
35.P*8d R-8b
36.S-3e N*6c
37.B-6d Rx8d
38.S-7e Nx7e
39.Bx7e R-8e
40.P*8f Rx7e
41.Px7e +Lx9i
42.Gx9i P*6f
(diagram 3)

After dropping a Pawn with 22.P*3d , MARUYAMA captured the 1e-Pawn by 23.Px1e . FUKAURA didn't drop a Pawn with ...P*1g , but sacrificed the Pawns in the 8th file & the 6th file . FUKAURA captured the 8e-Pawn 26...Rx8e attacking the 3e-Silver and MARUYAMA let his Silver escape with 27.S-2f .

FUKAURA sacrificed his Bishop with 28...Bx1i+ and continued attacking . FUKAURA sacrificed his Rook with 40...Rx7e and dropped a Pawn with 42...P*6f to attack MARUYAMA's King .

(diagram 4)

43.Px6f P*6g
44.K-5h B*2g
45.B*8e P-7d
46.R-1g B-3f+
47.L*3h P*1f
48.R-1i L*1h
49.Lx3f Lx1i+
50.Bx6g +Lx2i
51.Sx4d S*7g
52.G-5i R*3h
53.N*4h R-3i+
54.B-8e +L-2h
55.B*8d N*7c
56.Bx7d +L-3h
57.K-6g +Rx5i
58.Kx7g +Rx5g
59.S*6g G*6h
(diagram 4)

After 118 moves , FUKAURA won the game .

Mar 21, 2010

Sente ISHIDA ryu hongumi + Anaguma gakoi vs Gote Ibisha Anaguma

Shog game record : The 18th Ginga sen ; A-block

A shogi game of the Ginga sen A-block between YOKOYAMA and KUSHIDA was broadcasted 24 December 2009 .

Sente : YOKOYAMA Hiroaki (5 dan)
Gote : KUSHIDA Youichi (6 dan)

(diagram 1)

1.P-7f P-3d
2.P-7e S-6b
3.P-6f P-8d
4.R-7h P-8e
5.R-7f K-4b
6.K-4h K-3b
7.K-3h R-8d
8.K-2h B-3c
9.S-6h K-2b
10.G6i-5h L-1b
11.L-1h K-1a
12.K-1i S-2b
13.S-2h P-5d
14.P-9f S-5c
15.B-9g B-4b
16.N-7g G-3a
17.S-6g P-9d
18.G-3i G-5a
19.P-4f S-4d
20.S-5f G5a-4a
21.S-4g G4a-3b
22.G5h-4h S-5e
23.P-4e B-3c
(diagram 1)

By 2.P-7e , YOKOYAMA selected Haya ISHIDA opening in this game , KUSHIDA moved up his right Silver with 2...S-6b selecting Ibisha . YOKOYAMA closed the Bishop line with 3.P-6f and ranged the Rook with 4.R-7h onto the Sanken Bisha position . KUSHIDA advanced his Rook Pawn with 4...P-8e and YOKOYAMA floated his Rook with 5.R-7f to protect the 8th file .

KUSHIDA made Ibisha Anaguma and YOKOYAMA also made Anaguma gakoi . KUSHIDA aimed the 6f-Pawn by the 5e-Silver and thee 3c-Bishop , YOKOYAMA let his 7g-Knight jump with 24.N-6e to start attacking .

(diagram 2)

25.B-8h S-5e
26.P-7d Rx7d
27.Rx7d Px7d
28.R*6a R*8i
29.B-9g P-6d
30.P-5f Rx9i+
31.Px5e +Rx9g
32.N-5c+ +R-9i
33.S*4a Gx4a
34.Rx4a+ S*3a
35.P-4d Bx4d
36.+Nx5d B*6e
37.+Nx4d Px4d
38.B*5d N*3e
39.Bx6e Px6e
40.B*5d B*7e
41.G*3h Nx4g=
42.G4hx4g S*4i
43.Bx3b+ Sx3b
44.+Rx3b Sx3h+
45.Gx3h G*3a
46.+Rx3a Sx3a
47.G*3i L*4e
48.P*4f R*7i
49.S*4h B*6f
(diagram 2)

After some moves they exchanged the Rooks and both of them dropped their each Rook to attack the opponent's camp . While KUSHIDA captured the 9g-Bishop , YOKOYAMA started attacking KUSHIDA's Ibisha Anaguma .

YOKOYAMA continued attacking KUSHIDA's Ibisha Anaguma , but after sacrificing the promoted Rook with 46.+Rx3a , KUSHIDA's attacking turn had come .

(diagram 3)

50.Px4e Bx4h+
51.G4gx4h Bx4h+
52.G3hx4h Rx3i+
53.Sx3i +Rx3i
54.G*3h +Rx4h
55.Gx4h S*3i
56.R*3h Sx4h+
57.Rx4h S*3i
58.B*5d G*2b
59.B*4c G*4b
60.Bx2a+ Gx2a
61.Bx2a+ Kx2a
62.N*2e G*3b
63.R*6a B*7e
64.L*3c B*2h
(diagram 3)

After 128 moves , KUSHIDA won the game .

Mar 20, 2010

Sente Kani gakoi + Yonte Kaku vs Gote Yagura gakoi

Shogi Game record : The 3rd Asahi cup Shogi open

A shogi game of the Asahi cup Shogi open between TANIGAWA and MORIUCHI started 2:00 P.M. (JST) , 24 December 2009 .

You can see the original game record on the Net .
(Flash version , written in Japanese language)

Sente : TANIGAWA Kouji (9 dan)
Gote : MORIUCHI Toshiyuki (9 dan)

(diagram 1)

1.P-7f P-3d
2.P-2f G-3b
3.G-7h P-4d
4.P-2e B-3c
5.S-4h G-5b
6.K-6i G5b-4c
7.P-4f P-5d
8.S-4g S-6b
9.B-7g K-4a
10.G-5h S-2b
11.P-3f K-3a
12.B-5i B-4b
13.S-6h S-3c
14.P-1f P-7d
15.B-2f P-7e
16.Px7e Bx7e
17.N-3g R-7b
18.R-4h S-5c
19.S-5f P-9d
(diagram 1)

By 2...G-3b , MORIUCHI seemed to select Ittezon Kakugawari in this game . But replying TANIGAWA's 3.G-7h , MORIUCHI closed his Bishop line with 3...P-4d to make Yagura gakoi .

TANIGAWA advanced the 2nd file Pawn with 4.P-2e to disturb natural building of MORIUCHI's Yagura gakoi . While MORIUCHI was making Yagura gakoi , TANIGAWA set his Bishop on 2f for attacking and made Kani gakoi .

MORIUCHI exchanged the 7th file Pawns and TANIGAWA started attacking with 20.P-4e .

(diagram 2)

21.G-4g K-2b
22.P-6f P-9e
23.P*7f S5c-4b
24.Px4d Sx4d
25.S-7g N-9c
26.S-6g N-8e
27.S-8f P*7g
28.G-6h P-8d
29.P-5f N-3c
30.P*4f P*4e
31.Nx4e Sx4e
32.Nx7g Sx5f
33.Sx5f P-5e
34.S-6e N*5f
35.R-2h Nx6h+
36.Kx6h Bx8f
37.Px8f S*3i
38.R-3h P-6d
39.P-2d P-1d
(diagram 2)

MORIUCHI backed his Bishop with 20...B-6d aiming at the 3g-Knight . TANIGAWA moved up his right Gold with 21.G-4g to protect the 3g-Knight .

MORIUCHI let his King enter Kin Yagura and jumped his right Knight to attack TANIGAWA's Kakoi . TANIGAWA developed his Kani gakoi to Gin Yagura . After jumped the right Knight with 26...N-8e , MORIUCHI tried to attack TANIGAWA's attacking pieces with 30...P*4e .

MORIUCHI sacrificed his Bishop with 36...Bx8f and continued attacking . TANIGAWA also attacked MORIUCHI's Kakoi with 39.P-2d & 40.P-2c+ .

(diagram 3)

41.B*4a Px6e
42.S*3b G-2d
43.P*2c K-1b
44.P-1e Rx7f
45.Px8e S*7i
46.K-7h P*4h
47.G-5g Px6f
48.Rx3i resigns
(diagram 3)

After 95 moves , TANIGAWA won the game .

KUBO won the 4th game ! (Kio sen)

Shogi News : The 35th Kio sen ; 5 games title match

7:14 P.M. (JST) , 19 March 2010 , after 144 moves , KUBO won the 4th game of this match . The score of this match becomes "KUBO 2 --- 2 SATO" and the winner of the next game will get the 35th Kio title .

The 5th/last game of the 35th Kio sen title match will start 9:00 A.M. (JST) , 30 March 2010 at Kansai Shogi Kaikan , Fukushima ku , Osaka .

You can see the original game record on the Net .
(Flash version , written in Japanese language)
(Java version , written in Japanese language)

Sente : SATO Yasumitsu (9 dan)
Gote : KUBO Toshiaki (Kio)

(diagram 1)

1.P-7f P-3d
2.P-2f P-5d
3.P-2e R-5b
4.G-7h K-6b
5.K-6i K-7b
6.B-7g K-8b
7.S-6h S-7b
8.K-7i P-9d
9.P-9f G-3b
10.S-4h B-3c
11.Bx3c+ Nx3c
12.P-6f R-5a
13.K-8h S-4b
14.S-6g S-5c
15.P-3f R-2a
16.G-5h P-6d
17.N-3g P-7d
18.P-1f P-4d
19.P-5f S-6c
20.S-5g G-7b
21.P-1e S-6b
22.P-4f S-7c
23.S-6h R-4a
(diagram 1)

KUBO selected Gokigen Nakabisha again in this game . SATO choiced "4.G-7h line" as a counter plan against Gokigen Nakabisha .

After some moves , SATO made Kaku tsuki Kin mino and KUBO made Kata mino gakoi . Replying KUBO's 10...B-3c , SATO exchanged the Bishops .

After the Bishop exchange , SATO developed his Kakoi to KIMURA mino and further developed it to Gangi gakoi . KUBO also developed his Kakoi through KIMURA mino to Gin Yagura .

By 24.P-3e , SATO started attacking .

(diagram 2)

25.P-2d Px2d
26.Rx2d P-3f
27.N-2e Nx2e
28.Rx2e N*3c
29.R-2d P-3g+
30.P-5e Px5e
31.P-1d Px1d
32.P*5d Sx5d
33.B*2a P*3a
34.Bx3b+ Px3b
35.R-2b+ S-4c
36.N*3e B*1c
37.Nx4c+ Bx2b
38.S*5b R-3a
39.+N-5c B*2g
40.G*6c P-8d
41.Gx7b Bx7b+
42.P-6e +B-8c
43.Px6d Sx6d
44.+N-6c S-7c
45.P*5d P*6b
46.+Nx7c +Bx7c
47.P-5c+ P-9e
48.Px9e P*9g
(diagram 2)

After sacrificing the 3rd file Pawn , SATO exchanged the 2nd file Pawns . KUBO advanced the 3rd file Pawn with 26....P-3f attacking the 3g-Knight . SATO jumped the 3g-Knight with 27.N-2e to exchange Knights .

After the Knight exchange , KUBO dropped a Knight again with 28...N*3c attacking the 2e-Rook . SATO let his Rook escape with 29.R-2d and KUBO made a promoted Pawn with 29...P-3g+ . SATO sacrificed 5th and 1st file Pawns and dropped a Pawn with 32.P*5d .

KUBO captured the 5d-Pawn with 32...Sx5d and SATO dropped a Bishop with 33.B*2a pinning the 3b-Gold and the 5d-Silver . KUBO dropped a Pawn with 33...P*3a to protect the 3b-Gold . SATO sacrificed his Bishop with 34.Bx3b+ and continued attacking .

SATO succeeded to make a promoted Rook with 35.R-2b+ , but KUBO's 36...B*1c was very effective defense . SATO sacrificed his Rook too , and still continued attacking . SATO dropped a Silver with 38.S*5b driving away KUBO's Rook with 38...R-3a and attacked KUBO's Kakoi .

KUBO dropped a Bishop with 39...B*2g and make it promoted with 41...B-7b+ to use it for defending the King . SATO still tried to attack KUBO's King , but KUBO started attacking SATO's King with 48...P-9e .

(diagram 3)

49.Lx9g N*8e
50.G*9f Nx9g+
51.Gx9g L*9b
52.P*6c Lx9e
53.P*9f Lx9f
54.Gx9f Lx9f
55.Px6b+ R*9h
56.K-7g P-8e
59.G-8h R-9i+
60.P*9g P*6f
61.Px9f Px6g+
62.Gx6g P*6f
63.N*9e K-9c
64.L*9d Kx9d
65.S*8c +Bx8c
66.Nx8c+ Px6g+
67.Sx6g S*6e
68.L*9e Kx8c
70.B*6f Sx6f
71.Kx6f G*5d
72.S*6e S*5g
(diagram 3)

After 144 moves , KUBO won the game .

Mar 19, 2010

The 4th game has just started ! (Kio sen)

Shogi News : The 35th Kio sen ; 5 games title match

The 4th game of the 35th Kio sen title match between KUBO and SATO has just started 9:00 A.M. (JST) , 19 March 2010 at Shogi Kaikan , Shibuya ku , Tokyo .

Now the score of this match is "KUBO 1 --- 2 SATO" . SATO needs only one more win before 2 continuous loses to get this title . In the other hand , KUBO needs 2 continuous wins before any other loses to defend his title .

You can see the game nearly real time on the Net .
(Flash version , written in Japanese language)
(Java version , written in Japanese language)

Sente : SATO Yasumitsu (9 dan)
Gote : KUBO Toshiaki (Kio)

Mar 18, 2010

Yokofutori : Gote Nakahara ryu vs Sente Nakazumai Gyoku + Kin biraki

Shogi Game record : The 3rd Asahi cup Shogi open

A shogi game of the Asahi cup Shogi open between MORIUCHI and YASHIKI started 10:00 A.M. (JST) , 24 December 2009 .

Sente : MORIUCHI Toshiyuki (9 dan)
Gote : YASHIKI Nobuyuki (9 dan)

(daigram 1)

1.P-7f P-3d
2.P-2f P-8d
3.P-2e P-8e
4.G-7h G-3b
5.P-2d Px2d
6.Rx2d P-8f
7.Px8f Rx8f
8.Rx3d B-3c
9.R-3f S-2b
10.K-5h K-4a
11.G-3h R-8d
12.P*8g R-2d
13.S-2h G-5a
14.P-7e R-8d
15.R-8f P*8e
16.R-5f S-6b
17.P-3f P-9d
18.P-3e P-9e
19.R-2f P*2c
20.S-3g P-7d
(diagram 1)

YASHIKI selected Yokofutori as the opening of this game . MORIUCHI accepted it by 8.Rx3d . YASHIKI moved up his Bishop with 8...B-3c and seemed to make CHUZA Bisha formation .

MORIUCHI made Nakazumai Gyoku + Kin biraki formation with 10.K-5h & 11.G-3h . Replying MORIUCHI's choice of the formation , YASHIKI let his Rook back with 11...R-8d . MORIUCHI dropped a Pawn with 12.P*8g to prevent YASHIKI's ...P*8f .

YASHIKI slid his Rook with 12...R-2d forcing MORIUCHI to move up the right Silver with 13.S-2h . MORIUCHI advanced the 7th file Pawn with 14.P-7e and YASHIKI's Rook returned to the 8th file with 14...R-8d .

MORIUCHI slid his Rook with 15.R-8f facing the Rooks . YASHIKI dropped a Pawn with 15...P*8e to decline the Rook exchange . MORIUCHI moved his Rook with 16.R-5f attacking the 5c-Pawn and YASHIKI protected the Pawn with 16...S-6b completing his NAKAHARA gakoi .

After some moves , both players developed their each camp and YASHIKI started attacking with 20...P-7d .

(diagram 2)

21.Bx3c+ Sx3c
22.Px7d Rx7d
23.B*5f R-8d
24.Bx2c+ Gx2c
25.Rx2c+ P*2b
26.+R-2f R-7d
27.P*7e R-5d
28.S-6h N-7c
29.N-7g P-1d
30.S-4f B*2c
31.N-3g P-8f
32.Px8f P-9f
33.S-4e R-2d
34.P*2e R-6d
35.Px9f N-6e
36.Nx6e Rx6e
37.P-2d Bx4e
38.Nx4e Rx4e
39.P-2c+ Px2c
40.B*5f Rx7e
41.P*7f R-5e
42.Bx2c+ K-5b
43.N*7d S-7c
44.+Bx3c Nx3c
(diagram 2)

MORIUCHI exchanged the Bishops with 21.Bx3c+ and dropped a Bishop with 23.B*5f attacking the 7d-Rook and aiming the 2c-Pawn . YASHIKI let his Rook escape with 23...R-8d and MORIUCHI sacrificed his Bishop with 24.Bx2c+ to make his Rook promoted .

YASHIKI dropped a Pawn with 25...P*2b to drive away MORIUCHI's promoted Rook . MORIUCHI advanced his right Silver with 30.S-4f threatening the ;S-4e and YASHIKI dropped a Bishop with 30...B*2g to prevent the line .

YASHIKI tried to attack MORIUCHI's camp sacrificing his Bishop with 37...Bx4e . MORIUCHI dropped a Bishop again with 40.B*5f attacking the 4e-Rook . After some moves , MORIUCHI made the Bishop promoted with 42.Bx2c+ and sacrificed it with 44.+Bx3c to let his promoted Rook rush into YASHIKI's camp .

(diagram 3)

46.+Rx1a Sx7d
47.L*5f Rx3e
48.P*3f R-2e
49.P*2f R-4e
50.Lx5c+ Kx5c
51.+Rx5a P*5b
52.S*6b K-6d
53.+Rx5b B*4d
54.G*8d N*5d
55.S-7c= K-6e
56.G*5f Kx7f
57.Gx7d N*4f
58.Px4f Nx4f
59.Gx4f Rx4f
60.N*4g resigns
(diagram 3)

After 119 moves , MORIUCHI won the game .