Shogi News; The 2nd Asahi cup Shogi open ; 2nd preround .
A game of Asahi cup preround between ABE and KUBO started 2:00 P.M. 7 November 2008 .
You can see the game record on the Net.
(Flash version , written in Japanese language)
Sente; ABE Takashi (8 dan)
Gote; KUBO Toshiaki (8 dan)

1.P-7f P-3d
2.P-2f P-4d
3.S-4h R-4b
4.K-6h S-3b
5.K-7h S-4c
6.P-5f P-9d
7.G4i-5h S-7b
8.S-5g P-9e
9.P-2e B-3c
10.P-3f K-6b
A game of Asahi cup preround between ABE and KUBO started 2:00 P.M. 7 November 2008 .
You can see the game record on the Net.
(Flash version , written in Japanese language)
Sente; ABE Takashi (8 dan)
Gote; KUBO Toshiaki (8 dan)
(diagram 1)

1.P-7f P-3d
2.P-2f P-4d
3.S-4h R-4b
4.K-6h S-3b
5.K-7h S-4c
6.P-5f P-9d
7.G4i-5h S-7b
8.S-5g P-9e
9.P-2e B-3c
10.P-3f K-6b
KUBO selected standard closed "Shiken Bisha" in this game . He had selected "Gokigen Nakabisha" frequently as Gote recently . He choiced "FUJII system" , a strategy to beat "Ibisha Anaguma" .
ABE advanced his camp in a standard way , he could choice both "Kyuusen" and "Ibisha Anaguma" . Replying KUBO's "FUJII system" formation , ABE shown attacking attitude by 10.P-3f . Then KUBO's King escaped from ABE's attacking to 3th file ; 10...K-6b.

11.P-3e R-3b
12.P-4f G-4b
13.P-4e Px4e
14.Bx3c+ Gx3c
15.N-3g Px3e
16.Nx4e G-3d
17.P-2d Gx2d
18.P*2b N-3c
19.B*2a Nx4e
20.Bx3b+ Sx3b
(diagram 2)

11.P-3e R-3b
12.P-4f G-4b
13.P-4e Px4e
14.Bx3c+ Gx3c
15.N-3g Px3e
16.Nx4e G-3d
17.P-2d Gx2d
18.P*2b N-3c
19.B*2a Nx4e
20.Bx3b+ Sx3b
ABE started attacking immediately ;11.P-3e , KUBO's Rook turned in the attacked 3rd file ; 11...R-3b . ABE extend the battle filed in 4th file , KUBO joined his left Gold to defence .
After some moves , ABE got a Rook , and KUBO got 2 Bishops , 3 Pawns and a Knight .
(diagram 3)

21.R*4b K-7a
22.Rx3b+ Nx5g+
23.Gx5g B*3i
24.R-5h B*2e
25.R-5i B-2h+
26.P-2a+ P*4g
27.G5g-5h +B-3h
28.+R-4b S*5a
29.+R-4f P-3f
30.Gx4g P*4e
31.+R-5g N*6e
32.+R-4h P-3g+
After 64 moves , KUBO won this game .
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