The 1st day of 2nd game has ended with WATANABE's sealed move .
The game will restart next morning 9:00 A.M. in JST with an open of the sealed move .
You can see the game record nearly real time on the Net .
(Flash version , written in Japanese language )
(Java version , written in Japanese language)
Sente; HABU Yoshiharu (Meijin , Osho , Kisei , Oza)
Gote; WATANABE Akira (Ryuo)
(diagram 1)

1. P-7f P-8d
2. S-6h P-3d
3. P-6f S-6b
4. P-5f P-5d
5. S-4h S-4b
6. G-(4i)5h G-3b
7. G-7h K-4a
8. K-6i G-5b
9. S-7g S-3c
10. B-7i B-3a
11. P-3f P-4d
12. G-(5h)6g P-7d
13. S-3g B-6d
14. B-6h G-(5b)4c
15. K-7i K-3a
16. K-8h K-2b
17. S-4f S-5c
18. N-3g P-9d
19. P-2f S-2d
20. P-1f P-1d
21. R-3h B-7c
22. L-1h P-9e
23. P-6e
(diagram 1)
HABU led the opening of this game to "Yagura" opening and WATANABE accepted it .
In early stage of the game became quiet . HABU selected "San-Nana Gin senpou" and WATANABE replied naturaly B-6d .
After both players King entered to their own castle ; "Yagura gakoi" , HABU choiced "Yon-Roku Gin San-Nana Kei senpou" ; S-4f N-3g attacking formation .
WATANABE choiced "MORIUCHI ryu" counter attacking formation ; P-9e P-8d N-7c shape . HABU replied with P-6e , "MIYATA shinte" variation .
(diagram 2)

24. S-6f N-8e
25. P-7e Px7e
26. Sx7e R-9b
27. P-8f Nx9g+
28. Kx9g P-9f
29. K-8g P-9g+
30. Lx9g P*9f
31. Lx9f Rx9f
32. P*9g R-9d
33. P*7d B-5a
34. B-5g sealed
(diagram 2)
WATANABE started attacking before HABU' attacking . Replying WATANABE's attack HABU's piecies advanced toward WATANABE's camp .
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